A warm welcome to our weekly church service!
Please be aware that the clock is changing Saturday to Sunday night because we change to summer time! So the clock goes one hour forward.
This Sunday we will have an online service and our preacher will be Pastor Lazarus Gatimu. The title of his sermon is ” Jesus’ authority over our condition.”

We will be meeting through online platforms in connect groups (Bible study groups) at 10:30 am. The links to the liturgy and online sermon are provided below.
If you are not part of a connect group, please feel free to e-mail Gerdine at: gerdine@icfwageningen.org or use the Whatsapp button on this site, and you will be connected to a home group.
Click here to open the liturgy for the home service.
Click here to listen to the sermon by Lazarus Gatimu.
Click the following links for the music sheets for the worship songs: Our God ; Praise Adonai; Nada te turbe ; Sometimes it takes a mountain.
Date: 29th of March
Time: 10.30 am