Hospitality Sunday – 20 March 2022

After having spent so much time apart due to covid, we are glad that we can finally meet one another in person again. Whether it is a time to catch up with old friends or meet new members of ICF, we thought it would be good to start having regular hospitality sundays once again.

For those who are not familiar with this, after the Sunday service we will meet in small groups in various homes to share a meal and have some time to get (re)aquainted. This is a great opportunity to build the family ties in ICF, so don’t miss out. Good food and good company are guaranteed.

If you want to participate you can sign up using the following link:

On Saturday the 19th you will receive a email that will let you know who will be hosting your dinner or who you can expect as your guests. I hope to meet, at least some of you, on Sunday the 20th.

Regards to you all, Daniel