Tuinwijk Bi-Weekly
Tuinweek Bi-Weekly
Tuinwijk Bi-Weekly
Tuinwijk Bi-Weekly
Tuinwijk Bi-Weekly
“The great story of scripture” ICF Acadamy

By Dick Westerkamp Wednesday 3 October Starts at 19.30 Immanuel chapel
Tuinwijk Bi-Weekly
Tuinwijk Bi-Weekly
Training Day

Topic: Book of Romans Speaker: Arie Reitsema Everyone is invited. Bring your own lunch! More information, contact our connect group coördinators:
Unlike many connect groups, we do not primarily consist of students. Not that we have anything against students in the slightest, but our group does tend to be somewhat older. Many of us had been active in connect groups in the past, but due to the busyness of career and family found it difficult to […]