

Do you have a question? Feel free to send an email to

Church council

A group of elders is responsible for the overall leadership, pastoral issues, and making both short and long-term decisions affecting the ICF congregation. The day to day operation of ICF is organised by the deacons and centred on the different ministries within ICF.

Please send an email to to get in touch with the Church Council.

Confidential advisor

A church is supposed to be a safe place. Although we try our very best to keep it that way, occasions could occur in which you don’t feel quite safe. Think about situations in which you feel verbally mistreated or the subject of inappropriate or unwanted attention.


As a church, we find it very important that you can share your concerns or story so we can stand next to you, support you, give you advice or take further actions. You are not alone.


What does the confidential advisers do?


The confidential advisers (Roland and Carolien) will always listen to your story in a confidential way and won’t take any action before discussing it with you. If needed, they can ask for advice from experts outside our community. Also, the confidential advisers can mediate or in some cases even help you report to the police.


Although you can always share any concerns, the confidential advisers are not pastoral or social workers. Their first responsibility is to listen and help you take practical steps in confidential situations regarding issues that take place between members of the ICF community so that we can make sure the church is and stays a safe place for everyone.


Get in touch with the confidential advisers by emailing Roland and Carolien at: or by calling them.

Correspondence Address


Postbus 150

6700 AD Wageningen