Welcome to our weekly Sunday service, 11th July 2021.
This coming Sunday we will have an outdoor service. This outdoor service is like a gathering family service in which we will sit together in the outside of our homebase.
Please take into account that we still keep the Covid-19 regulations in our the Home Base.
Our preacher is Sjoerd van der Wielen
He will speak on “HOW GOOD IS GOD”, “Look How HE Made Everything”
(Genesis 1:1-2:3)
![Genesis Mosaic Iconography Russian - Free photo on Pixabay](https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/06/23/21/33/genesis-2435989_960_720.jpg)
You are very welcome to join us!
You can send an email to received a newsletter to deacons@icfwageningen.org.
The program is as follows:
10:00 – 10:30: prayer & fellowship meeting
10:30 – 11:30: outdoor service in the Home Base.
10.30 – 11.30: kids’ and teenagers’ services in the Home Base.
We hope to meet you this Sunday.
God bless you